Tuesday, May 7, 2013

S Bingo Boards

Hey guys,

I can't keep up with all the materials posted on Pinterest and blogs! I'm up to my ears in IEPs and still trying to download, print and laminate all the wonderful activities. 

It's nice to have variety :-) I try to pin everything that is useful for the school aged population. Visit my Pinterest page here and check out my various speech boards (I tried to organize them). Feel free to peruse my other loves: shoes, makeup and cooking!

In the meantime, here's a freebie preview of something I'm working on. My goal is to create bingo boards for all sounds and clusters, but it's time consuming. If anyone has suggestions to speed up the process, I'll be very grateful (enough to give you and some friends the future creations for free!). 

This includes 3 bingo boards and call cards for "S" in all positions. It's fairly open ended: you can have one student call the cards, have students name the item or say a phrase/sentence for every picture that's called... up to you!

Enjoy it here for free!
