Monday, April 29, 2013

Balloon-y Spatial Concepts

I'm trying to churn out more materials to make up for the weeks that I've missed. So today we have a little spatial concepts activity. Grab it for free here.

I believe the best spatial concept activities are live - meaning incorporate it into your play. Building Legos, arranging furniture in a doll house, puzzles... those all use spatial concepts. But you can't always play with all students, and you need materials for centers in the classroom or carryover for home. And we all know, sometimes you need a variety of spatial activities because it takes a while. 

This activity uses balloons as the moveable element. In the expressive portion, the student identifies where the balloon is.

In the receptive portion, the student places the balloon where you indicate.

There is a list of directions, but you can also use your own, targeting specific spatial concept your student(s) need. There's even a "free for all" page:

Enjoy and let me know what concepts you need more work on!


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